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Historical Documents of Louisiana PTA

Scroll through the historical documents below. The first one is "History of the Shreveport Parent Teacher Association for Negroes." Please note that the name of the Shreveport group used words that we do not use in modern times. That is what they called their own group, and we respect their history and contribution to PTA in Louisiana. The second is the History of Louisiana Parent-Teacher Association from its Organization in 1923 to 1943 which was a segregated white group. 

Commendation from Governor Edwards


In 1970, the two parent groups united their efforts to finally advocate for all children together. The below picture is from that event with the newspaper article printed the next day. 

Black, White PTA Groups Create Single State Agency

November 24, 1970

Two Louisiana Parent-teacher organizations joined forces here yesterday in a merger, creating the racially mixed Louisiana Parents and Teachers Association. The action was taken at Carter G. Woodson Junior High School, where the Louisiana Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc, a predominantly black group, is holding its 41st annual session. The previously all-white group also was known as the LPTA. Mrs. Leon Price of Dallas (center in picture), president of the National Parents and Teachers Association, called the event an “important time in history of both organizations.”     

Mrs. Price, a native of Alexandria, LA, said the absorption of the black organization into the predominantly while LPTA is not universally popular. “There are those who are not ready and the road ahead may find some bumps, but we have gone too far to turn back. We have had this dream for years; now it is a reality and the future depends upon what we do with it,” she told the new LPTA members. Signing the merger agreement on behalf of the two state groups were Mr. Joe. L. Lewis of Baton Rouge (left in picture), president of the LCPTA, and Mrs. Madelyn Willis of Lake Charles (right in picture), first vice-president of LPTA.


Rev. Gordon H. Stone, associate minister of the Greater Tulane Baptist Church, delivered the keynote address at the LCPTA general assembly. “Separatism is no longer needed,” he declared. “Unity is the challenge if we are to combat the evil forces that confront us in the home, school, church, and community, and in unity lies our strength.” The LCPTA concludes its last session today.

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