Can your PTA donate Christmas presents or gift cards for our middle and high school KIT students who are homeless and without legal guardians? It breaks my heart to think about Christmas for these kids who really have it hard. Please consider helping today. We don't have much time left, and I apologize for just hearing about this and asking so late. They typically get presents donated for the students under 12 yrs. We're trying to get the 13 and over kids covered.
I have contacts for St. Tammany and Caddo Parishes. If you are in another parish, call your school board and ask if they have a need because I know they do too!!
St. Tammany Details:
Contact Sarrah Luken at Sarrah.Luken@stpsb.org or 985-893-3360 (office). Deadline is FRIDAY, Dec 13 or Monday, Dec 16 at the latest. There are 14 of 87 remaining high school students who are not sponsored yet. Typically, sponsors donate about $200/student. Sarrah will send the student's wish list, high school, and first name once you agree to sponsor them.
Caddo Details:
Contact Erin Lee at EScott@caddoschools.org or email President@LouisianaPTA.org for her cell. She is with the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Dept. Deadline is ASAP so that students can receive the presents by Dec 19. There are about 150 - 200 students in need!
**As far as budgeting this unexpected expense, PTAs can include it under the miscellaneous expenses, ask for donations for this specific need and use that money, or get a budget amendment afterward.
If your PTA helps, please let me know. LAPTA will hopefully also be contributing.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all of you!
Beth Maillho
LAPTA President