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5 Things to Kick Off the New Year


It's a new year for PTAs, so let's kick off the 2024-25 school year with a bang as we work to improve the lives of all children! Here are 5 things to start off strong.

This is required of all PTA leaders and needs to be done each year anew. This is how LAPTA communicates with you and keeps you in the know on all things PTA. Officers are required to register. Board Members are encouraged to register.

Training will be on August 17 in Mandeville and August 24 in Shreveport. Training for the officers is required. This can be done in-person or by viewing the online videos at The new 2024 videos will be added in late August. Live Zooms will be offered in September.

3) Plan Your Membership Welcome Packet

Create a Welcome Packet to kick off the new year with a fresh membership campaign. Offer the option to pay online by using CheddarUp or PTBoard. See more on those platforms at "Getting Organized" section on or at Look for ways to grow membership under "Grow Membership" at

4) Read the 2024-25 Toolkits

The LAPTA Toolkit is updated and ready for downloading at There are 11 sections which are: 1) LAPTA and National PTA, 2) President, 3) Treasurer, 4) Board of Directors, 5) Secretary, 6) Membership, 7) Advocacy, 8) Inclusion, 9) Elections & Nominating Committee, 10) Bylaws, Standing Rules, and Articles of Incorporation, and 11) Contests, Grants, and Awards.

5) Meet the New LAPTA Board

Meet the new LAPTA Board and familiarize yourself with the updated website while you're there! Also, we have an open position on our Board for a Secretary. If you would like to hear more, email President Beth Maillho at Please let us know if you have any questions, need to meet ASAP for a "Jump-Start Training" if you're feeling overwhelmed, or whatever else you might need.

**PLEASE NOTE that this email was sent to the previous 2023-24 Leaders as we are still working at building the 2024-25 Leaders List. If you are no longer serving as a PTA leader, you can disregard this email. We will stop using the old list by the end of July.


On behalf of the 2024-25 LAPTA Board, we look forward to serving with you and are here to support you throughout the year!


Thank you!

Beth Maillho, LAPTA President

C: (Nine 85) 778-5799

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